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South Australia Accommodation and Information

Robe South Australia Accommodation and Holiday Information

Robe Accommodation and Holiday Bookings

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Historic Robe is located 338 km south east of Adelaide on Guichen Bay. Today it is very much an attractive holiday resort combining a dramatic rocky, windswept coastline with a number of attractive and secluded beaches including the beautiful, 17km-long Long Beach. It is notable for its very sophisticated and charming town centre and is one of the most attractive historic towns in South Australia

The town was named after Governor Frederick Holt Robe who sailed into Guichen Bay (the bay had been named after Admiral De Guichen in 1802 by the French explorer, Nicholas Baudin, as he sailed around the South Australian coast) in 1846 aboard the Government cutter, Lapwing. He chose the site for the town and later in 1846 it was surveyed by Thomas Burr.

In the 1840s and 1850s most people travelling to Robe arrived by sailing vessel, bullock wagon or horseback. After 8 weeks at sea from London the site of Guichen Bay marked by the obelisk must have been a welcome sight for the ship's passengers, as also it was to the many bullockies from across the border and from the north who had to travel for weeks on end averaging only 10-15 km per day. In the late 1840s substantial numbers of Irish and Scottish immigrants reached the port.

Available at the Historic Interpretative Centre is a very handy brochure which lists a total of 45 places of interest (including the Ambulance station and the Boat Ramp) in the local area.

         Long Beach Robe

Credit South Australian Tourism Commission


       Credit Tourism Australia

             Sunset Robe

       Credit Tourism Australia