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Western Australia Accommodation and Information

Rockingham Western Australia Accommodation and Holiday Information

Rockingham Accommodation and Holiday Bookings

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The City of Rockingham is a popular destination offering a wide range of visitor experiences and activities. Whether it be a visit to the penguin viewing facility, a dive off one of the many neighbouring islands, sailing a yacht within the protected bays, recreational boat and jetty fishing, enjoying the vast stretches of white sandy beaches, or swimming amongst the wild dolphins that inhabit the local bays - Rockingham promises a memorable and unique experience for every visitor.

Rockingham features significantly in Western Australia’s white settlement heritage. The first Europeans to visit the area are believed to have been led by the Dutch explorer Willem de Vlamingh who arrived over 300 years ago in 1696. Over a century later a French scientific expedition undertook further exploration of the region, naming many of the features along the coast including Cape Peron.

In 1827 Captain James Stirling explored the Swan River and two years later returned, landing at Garden Island, with the new colony’s first settlers. It was the third colony established in Australia and the first established without convicts.

In 1830, during a severe gale, the ship “Rockingham” anchored in Cockburn Sound, broke it’s capstan and was driven aground just to the north of the town that now bears its name. All settlers and crew were saved, however the ship could not be repaired and was later broken up. A number of attempts were made at establishing settlements in the area but it was not until the early 1850’s that families took up land to the East of the Rockingham townsite and started farming. Opening up the inland Jarrah forests at Jarrahdale in 1871 enabled overseas timber shipping and this quickly became the principal industry for the area. A saw mill was established, a jetty built at Rockingham port to load the timber onto ships and a rail line linking the two was developed. Rockingham flourished and in 1897 the township of Rockingham was formally recognised with it’s own local government - the Rockingham Road Board.

As Rockingham became more accessible it soon became a popular seaside resort for holiday makers and by the 1920’s was well recognised for it’s beaches, bathing, sailing, fishing and hotels. A reputation it still maintains some 80 years later.

       North Dandalup Dam

   Credit Tourism Western Australia

            Preston Beach 

        Penguin Island

Images Credit Tourism Western Australia