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For the Garden Lovers – Usually gold coin entry for charity

There are seventeen open gardens throughout the Festival which will take you out into the beautiful Kiewa Valley as well as the Oven’s Valley. With recent rains it looks as if the gardens will be in good form this year. Whether it be the spectacular heritage garden of Norala Gardens with its large tree canopy, dry stone walls, bridges and a fern island, the 3 acres riverside setting of Alpine Park Riverside Cottages with their bulbs, azaleas and rhododendrons, the lush riverside setting of Lavender Hue in Harrietville or Julie & Rae’s magnificent gardens in the Kiewa Valley there is bound to be gardens for any tastes.

Decorative Arts Exhibition & Sales - Saturday 17th Oct - Monday 2nd Nov

Bright Art Gallery - 28 Mountbatten Ave, Bright Open daily 10.30 am - 4.30pm daily
A beautiful exhibition of hand painted porcelain, designer glass, jewellery, embroidery, leatherwork and many other decorative arts. A wonderful opportunity to view and purchase innovative and exclusive hand-made artworks. Ph :03 57501660 Admission $4

Delicious - the Fabulous Festival Focus on Food

It’s stunning. It’s sumptuous. It’s a sensational way to celebrate spring while savouring some seriously good food and wine. At the Festival we have 15 featured restaurants, wineries, breweries and not-to-be-missed food-lover’s events in Bright and the surrounding Alpine Valleys. All showcasing the fabulous produce of the area. See ‘Delicious’ the festival focus on food for more details

Rainbow Garden Party

10am – 12noon Saturday, 24 October (Also Saturday 31 October)
Lake View Children’s Centre, Reserve Drive, Mt Beauty
There will be fairies, face-painting, morning tea, food stalls, balloons, gardening activities and even seedlings to take home – a fun, family, event. Meander through the paths and explore the herb and vegie patch and see how you could add some spark into your garden for your children.

Bright Oktoberfest - 24 October 11am - 7pm Bright Brewery - Gavan St, Bright

A European style Food and Beer & Wine Festival with live music & entertainment. What goes best with an Oktoberfest? If a stein is in one hand, the other usually holds a wurst or sausage. It’s time to get out the lederhosen and steins—it is the season for Oktoberfest. The Bright Oktoberfest is a small town affair an opportunity to relax in the warm spring sunshine, taste the local biers and wines and savor delicious foods from local producers – an event for all the family.
Entry:$5 or $10 with stein or wine glass. Children under 18 yrs accompanied by adults free.

Myrtleford Pastoral & Agricultural Show, 24 October 9am - 4pm

Myrtleford Show Grounds - Yackandandah Road.
Fun family day with events including whip cracking championships, wood chop events, cattle and horse events, arts and craft, photography exhibition and competition, horticulture, rides, entertainment and show bags and much more. $10 pp, $4 kids (5-16 years) $8 age pension, tickets at the gate. Family tickets are available if purchased prior to the event: 03 5752 2608.

Festival Play from Melbourne— Saturday 24 October 7.00pm for dinner - 8.00pm

C.J Dennis’ “The Sentimental Bloke” by Petty Traffikers.An extremely energetic and vaudevillian production of CJ Dennis’ classic Australian narrative poem. Petty Traffikers have a terrific reputation in regional Victoria and have toured their work for many years.
The Bright Spring Festival is having a birthday party to celebrate 21 years, join us in the party celebrations at 7.00pm and dine on the local food & wines before and after the show (not included in ticket price).
Bright Community Centre Railway Ave, Bright Tickets $25

A Pleasant Sunday Afternoon in The Park - Sibley Sound Shell at Howitt Park - 25 Oct 2pm

Wet Weather Venue - Bright Community Centre,Railway Ave, Bright – Free.
Bring a chair or a rug and relax in the park to the music of the Hawthorn Brass Band. In case you are hungry gourmet sausages, and cappucinnos will be available, and fairy floss for those who are young at heart or an ice cream from the Ice Creamery in Gavan Street along the way. A lovely way to enjoy Sunday afternoon alongside the beautiful Ovens river.

Native Spring Flower Walk - Sunday, 25 October 10.30am - 12.30pm

Meet at Bridge opposite the State Battery in Coronation Ave, on way to Wandiligong. Join members of the Upper Ovens Landcare Group on a leisurely stroll and discover the beauty of flowering indigenous plants. Identification books and expertise will be supplied, but bring your own camera to capture some spectacular blooms. Free

Buckland Cemetery Tour - 9.30am – Sunday, 25 October

Gather at Bright Historical Museum, Railway Ave, Bright, and then drive to the historic Buckland Cemetery, where historian Diann Talbot will tell the stories it holds.
Maps & Information provided. $5 adults, children free

A Day In Harrietvillle Monday 26 October

Harrietville is a quaint mountain village on the banks of the Ovens River, 25 km from Bright with a unique gold mining history and many beautiful gardens. At your leisure why not visit:
• The Harrietville Historical Society Museum open from 10am – 12 noon (Gold coin donation)
• The beautiful garden at Shady Brook Cottages, where refreshments are available $5pp Open 10am – 3pm
• Granny’s Pantry 10am- 4pm: a 100+ year old cottage to explore and where you can find exceptional homemade jams, chutneys & sauces and a range of gift lines.
• Lavender Hue where refreshments are also available.
You may like lunch at the Snow Line Hotel, the Ice Creamery or Bella’s of Harrietville or have a picnic in the Park.
And for those interested in history there is a Historical Tour of Harrietville with local historian Ian Stapleton from 1.30pm – 4pm Meet at the Museum next to the general store for a guided tour and then a short walk to Lake Tronah where the last dredge in Harrietville worked. Ian Stapleton – Author of local historical books.

Cost: $5pp for the tour. On the way home visit the ‘Trout Farm’ and catch your dinner for the night – Great Alpine Road 4kms from Harrietville.

Better Photography with Barbara Ridley 10am – 12noon Tuesday, 27 October

Barbara will share her knowledge and experiences with visitors to the area to help them better appreciate photographic composition and lighting techniques. See Bright through her eyes as an Amateur Photographer of Bright for many years. 2 hour sessions starting at the Tour, Desk, Wine and Cheese Bar, starting with one hour of theory and then the group will drive to a local garden to practice the learnt skills.

BYO car 5 Star Adventure Book Tours with Experience OZ, Tour Desk, Wine & Cheese Bar 3/104 Gavin Street, Bright Ph: 03 5755 5100
Bookings Essential: $10.00 pp including coffee and scones, jam and cream.
Also Thursday 29th October 3.00pm - 5.00pm

Tino Carnevale “Gardening meets TV” Dinner & the Festival’s 21st Birthday Party, 28 Oct 6.30pm for 7pm

Red Stag Restaurant Hughes Lane Eurobin
Join Gardening Australia’s Tino Carnevale as he tells his humorous story of how he found himself in the shoes of gardening guru Peter Cundell and in front of a TV camera. Tino talks about his grandmother being his childhood inspiration, how Peter Cundall first wanted to interview him -gulp, and what it is about gardening that gives Tino both something to teach and something to learn.

Dinner is a slow food affair with venison farm raised at Red Stag, wines from the restaurant’s own vineyard and local produce featuring on the night’s menu. From every window there are beautiful panoramic views acrossthe Ovens Valley. All the better to slow down and relax with. Look out for presies and special surprises through out the night to celebrate the Bright Spring Festival’s 21st! An entertaining night where you hear, see and imbibe everything that is great about being in the Alpine Valleys and living connected to the earth. $60 single ticket/ $110 double/ $540 table of 10

Tino Carnavale Garden Workshops Wednesday 28 October & Thursday, 29 October

ABC’s Gardening Australia’s Tino Carnevale with practical tips for healthy attractive gardens.The edible gardening expert, joining us in from Tasmania, shares his knowledge in four not tobe missed helpful workshops in the open gardens covering a range of gardens, maladies and situations. Workshops are $5pp.

Mt Buffalo National Park” - Guided Heritage Walk Friday, 30 October - 10.00am – 11.00am

Meet at the Gorge car park opposite the Mt Buffalo Chalet. – a Parks Ranger will conduct a free guided interpretive walk/talk on the parks pre & post European history for one hour. The walk will follow the Gorge Heritage loop of approximately 2km return. It is not necessary to do the entire walk. Some steps involved. Bring a picnic and explore other short self guided walks afterwards such as Dicksons Falls. An Entry fee of $10.30 per car currently applies to the National Park.
N.B the Mt Buffalo Plateau is a sub-alpine environment where weather can change rapidly, bring water, coat, warm hat and gloves.”

A Morning in Happy Valley – Friday, 30 October

Just off the Great Alpine Road at Ovens is the beautiful Happy Valley, where you follow
Tourist Drive 75 (route number C534) to explore wineries, a lavender farm, an olive grove, even enjoy a scenic flight. The 23km drive traverses the length of the valley and links the Ovens Valley to the picturesque Kiewa Valley. The people of this hidden valley love to share their secrets, so feel free to visit - you’ll be made most welcome!

10.30am Barwidgee Lavender

Enjoy a talk about the process from” paddock to bottle” and the secrets of growing sensational lavender, followed by a Devonshire tea/coffee. Then stroll across the road for a tour of the historic 1869 Homestead Estate, followed by an estate grown olive oil tasting, $8.50 pp 714 Happy Valley Road, Rosewhite.

12.30 to 1.30 Eaglerange Estate Vine to Wine (also Sat 31 & Sun Nov 1)

sit down presentation for 30 wine lovers with a taste for fine wines and homemade salami. So come and enjoy our “Vine to Wine” experience and learn a little about wine and salami making. Gold coin donation most welcome, but not essential. Wines are at cellar door prices.228 Happy Valley Road, Ovens – Phone: 03 5752 2518 Bookings Essential.

Murders & Mystery Street Walk – Friday, 30 October - 7.30pm

Learn about some of Bright’s darker side. Meet Diann Talbot local historian at the Alpine Visitor Information Centre 119 Gavan Street. Tour approx 1 hour, $5 pp donation to Historical Society, includes free entry into the Museum.

Ian Stapleton ‘Hairy-Chested History’ Friday, 30 October 2pm -5pm

Ian Stapleton will be presenting pictures and a talk on his book “Hairy-Chested History”. He will be signing any books of his at the time. A man with great historic knowledge of this whole area. He is a legend in his time. Gold coin donation for the Harrietville Museum.
At 5 Star Adventure Book Tours with Experience OZ, Tour Desk, Wine & Cheese Bar 3/104 Gavin Street, Bright Ph: 03 5755 5100

Contemporary Quilting and Textile Art Exhibition 30 October – 2 Nov 9.30am – 5.30pm

Local Talent – International Inspiration…
The exhibition features quilts and other textile art objects from a group of local quilters and artists. A highlight of this years exhibition will be a display of “Furoshiki” – the art of gift wrapping Japanese style. Also on display will be the entries in the “Fairy Frost Challenge”. The challenge has been issued to make miniature quilts from just two fabrics, those being the sparkling “Fairy Frost” fabrics. The results will be many and varied as entrants can use many techniques to produce their quilt.
Take the opportunity to vote for the “People’s Choice” quilt. Visitors votes will also go into a draw for a special prize. For further information contact Angela Bradbury 03 5755 5118. Gold coin donation to breast cancer research. ‘In The Bin’ Short Film Festival Sunday Nov 1 Bright Community Centre, Railway Ave Bright This film festival is a definite for all movie buffs - a one night event, jam packed with innovative award winning International & Australian short films. This unique regional short film tour will indulge audiences in Bright as part of its unique regional short film tour Sunday Nov 1, this is an opportunity to see firsthand the next generation of film making talent to emerge from Australia and overseas. Tickets: $13 Adults /$9 Students

Rotary Monster Street Market Monday 2 Nov 9am - 2pm

Everyone loves a street market and this annual event saw well over 200 stalls last year and many more expected this year. A festive atmosphere prevails in this picturesque town during the annual spring monster street market organised by the Rotary Club of Bright.

Musical Extravaganza “Saturday Night at Stockman’s Creek” 11am – 12pm Monday 2 Nov

Set in 1942 it tells the story of how the tiny community of Stockman’s creek play their part in saving Australia during the 2nd World War. A humorous and entertaining hour of original music theatre capturing a colourful era in the Australian story. Students play multiple roles as actors, dancers, narrators and soloists accompanied by a variety of instrumental ensembles.Suitable for all age groups. Carey Middle School has developed a tradition of entertaining original touring shows. *Wet Weather Venue - Bright Community Centre, Railway Ave - A free event

Fetes and Fairs

• The Anglican Church Fete and Garage Sale - Church Street, Bright 9am - 12.30pm Saturday, 24 October
• Uniting Church Fete - Ireland Street , Bright 9am - 12noon Saturday, 31 October

Melbourne Cup Day Luncheons

Melbourne Cup Luncheon 2009 at Gapsted Wines 11pm - 3pm
Celebrate in style with complimentary bubbles on arrival; indulge in a three course meal, and join in our ‘Fashions on the Field festivities for some great prizes! Bookings essential Ph: 03 57511 383

Ringer Reef Winery Melbourne Cup Luncheon 12.30pm

Make an afternoon of the Melbourne Cup. Come and relax with friends and enjoy slow food and a glass or two. Let Annie and Bruce look after you. Soak up the vista on the landing over looking the Buckland Valley and up to the imposing Mount Buffalo. Focus on the important things. 3 Course Luncheon with complimentary glass of wine on arrival $35.00pp. Bookings required Ph: 03 5756 2805, 6835 Great Alpine Road, Porepunkah

From 12.00, race starts 3.15. Sola e Luna’s End of Festival Melbourne Cup Luncheon Party

With a special lunch menu & lots of fun. Fashions on the field, Big Screen TV to watch the race, and Sweepstakes. Ladies prize for best hat. Prize for best dressed. 106 Gavan Street, Bright Phone 03 5750 1861 to

12.30pm Cup Day Spring Celebration Lunch Wandiligong Maze

Lunch with friends and enjoy Spring Carnival viewing on Big Screen TV. $35.00 per person includes a complimentary glass of wine. 11 White Star Rd., Wandiligong. Bookings essential ph: 03 5750 1311

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Central Gippsland Information Centre has been in operation successfully since 2002. The team's aim is to provide an online information and booking services promoting businesses in Gippsland Victoria and Australia.

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