Waikerie South Australia Accommodation and Holiday Information
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Murray River town known as 'The Citrus Centre of Australia'.
Waikerie is a small, pleasant town sitting on the cliffs above the Murray River in the heart of South Australia's rich Riverland district. It is surrounded by citrus orchards and extensive stands of apricots, peaches, pears and plums. The cliffs at this point in the Murray are so high that water from the river has to be pumped up to provide the orchards with water.
Things to do in Waikerie
Waikerie History Walk and Drives
Waikerie began as a part of the S.A.Government’s Village Settlement experiment of 1894. The growing number of unemployed in Adelaide was causing concern, so in an attempt to ease the problem, Waikerie, Holder, and Ramco became sites upstream from Morgan that were selected for settlement.
There were 11 sites in all. Further information can be obtained at the library. Commercial life in Waikerie began in Peake Terrace as all traffic came via the river. In 1914 following construction of the Railway station, further commercial enterprises began in White St. and McCoy St. We will begin our walk from the jetty on the riverbank and travel up along Peake Tce. White and McCoy Streets and take in some of the town’s history as we go.
Waikerie Grain Silos
Paddle Steamer on the Murray River
Credit Tourism Australia / Time Out Australia
Rope Swing Murray River